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1936: The Nazis
 pg. 100 
David Frankfurter (foreground), a Jewish student in Switzerland, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in the murder of Nazi Party Foreign Section official Wilhelm Gustloff. In addition to his prison sentence, Frankfurter was deprived of his civil rights and expelled from Switzerland, but not before he paid court costs and restitution.
Photo: Wide World Photo/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
August Cardinal Hlond, the head of the Polish Catholic Church, called for discrimination against Polish Jews unless they converted to Catholicism. Thought to be less antisemitic than many Polish clergymen, Hlond's pastoral letter blasting the Jews for their Àharmful moralityÀ revealed the growing influence of Nazi ideology in Poland. Church-sanctioned anti-Jewish policy undermined the tenuous position of Polish Jewry and exacerbated tensions between Jews and Gentiles.
Photo: UPI/Corbis-Bettmann
The title of this children's book is Trau keinem Fuchs auf gruener Heid und Keinem Jud bei Seinem Eid (You Can't Trust a Fox in a Heath and a Jew on His Oath). The book disseminated antisemitic propaganda to Germany's unsuspecting youth. This illustration leaves nothing to the imagination.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 1936: A leading Jewish-German jurist, Gerhard Leibholz, is stripped of his position at the University of Göttingen.
 1936: The first Lebensborn home for expectant Aryan mothers opens near Munich.
 1936: The Institut der NSDAP zum Studium der Judenfrage (Institute of the NSDAP to Study the Jewish Question) is founded by Joseph Goebbels.
 1936: The first issue of Forschungen zur Judenfrage (Research into the Jewish Question), a magazine devoted to the quasi-scholarly exposition of Nazi racial ideology, is published.
 1936: The Nazis establish public television viewing rooms for the dissemination of government propaganda.
 1936: Romania's Iron Guard explodes a bomb in a Jewish theater in Timisoara, Romania, killing two Jews.
1936: The Nazis
 pg. 100 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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