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1937: Quiet Before the Storm
 pg. 118 
The Zeppelin field in Nuremberg became the center of the annual Nazi Party rally. Hitler and other leaders of the Third Reich gathered there before a mass audience designed to show the popularity of the regime. The impressive light dome, designed by architect Albert Speer, added an awe-inspiring spectacle to the assembly. One hundred and thirty searchlights illuminated the night sky to a height of 25,000 feet.
Photo: Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
National Socialists objected to any secret society, especially the Masons. The Nazis viewed such groups, which could not be controlled by the state, as tools of the imagined international Jewish conspiracy. This fanciful reproduction of a Masonic altar was constructed for The Eternal Jew exhibition that opened in Munich on November 8, 1937.
Photo: Sü suddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
On November 5, 1937, at the Hossbach Conference, Hitler informed the German High Command of his plans to dominate Europe. Named after Colonel Friedrich Hossbach, who took minutes, the conference marked the first time that Hitler openly shared his views on the racial reordering of Europe. To Hitler's left is Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. To Hitler's right is Dr. Karl Brandt, his personal physician.
Photo: SYddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
 July 15, 1937: A concentration camp is established at Buchenwald, Germany.
 July 27, 1937: A ritual-murder trial of five Jews opens in Bamberg, Germany.
 August 1937: Jews are accused of sacrilege at Hummené, Czechoslovakia.
 August 1937: 350 incidents of physical assaults against Jews are recorded this month in Poland.
 September 6-13, 1937: 600,000 German troops parade before Hitler at Nuremberg.
1937: Quiet Before the Storm
 pg. 118 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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