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1940: Machinery of Hatred
 pg. 199 
Inmates of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany read the inscription posted on their barracks: "There is one way to liberty: Its milestones are obedience, diligence, honesty, order, cleanliness, sense of sacrifice, moderation, truth and love for your Fatherland." While sayings such as this provided good propaganda for Germans outside of the concentration camps, they mocked the realities of camp life. Following incarceration, one's liberty and freedom were brutally taken and seldom returned unconditionally.
Photo: Sü suddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
Inmates from the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany construct a gallows while supervised by officers of the SS. Public executions were part of the terror system employed within the concentration camps. Prisoners who violated the Byzantine rules of order were physically punished and often hanged. Survivor testimonies are replete with tales of having witnessed many public hangings.
Photo: Lorenz Schmuhl / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive

Though most of their major concentration camps were in Greater Germany, the Nazis built their death camps in Occupied Poland, "hidden" from the German populace.
 July 1, 1940: A Jewish ghetto is established at Bedzin, Poland.
 July 1940: Bloody anti-Jewish riots erupt in cities throughout Romania.
 July 1940: In a letter to German Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick, Bishop Theophil Wurm, head of the provincial Lutheran Church at Württemberg, Germany, objects to "euthanasia" killings at the nearby Grafaneck crippled-children's institution; See September 5, 1940.
 July 1940: In Holland, a collaborationist propaganda group, Nederlandse Unie (Netherlands Union), is established.
 July 10, 1940: The Battle of Britain begins when the German Luftwaffe (Air Force) attacks British targets.
 August 1940: The United States Congress passes a law to allow thousands of British children into the U.S. beyond the immigration quotas. The law is widely supported by American public opinion. Exploiting a loophole in America's immigration law never used for Jewish refugee children, President Franklin Roosevelt calls these British children "visitors"; that is, immigrants planning some day to return to Great Britain. Congress amends the Neutrality Act to allow American ships to evacuate these children.
1940: Machinery of Hatred
 pg. 199 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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