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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 227 

The Nazis deported thousands of Jews from neighboring towns to the Warsaw Ghetto in 1941 and '42, swelling the population to over 400,000. Conditions in the ghetto were so abysmal that 43,000 people died there in 1941.
Many Jews of Radom, Poland, were forced to move into the "little ghetto" located in nearby Glinice. Like many Polish Jews, they had to relocate quickly. They gathered their belongings, loaded them onto carts, and dragged them to their new "home." While the Germans were equipped with the most modern equipment available, many Polish Jews relied on ancient technology to meet the needs of daily life.
Photo: District Museum of Radom / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The German occupation of Radom in 1939 subjected the Jewish populace to severe persecutions. Located in central Poland about 62 miles south of Warsaw, the Radom Ghetto was officially established in March 1941. By April 7 the entire Jewish population was sequestered in two separate ghettos: a large enclosure in the center of the city and a smaller one located in a nearby suburb. The Jews in this photo were held prisoner inside a Radom synagogue.
Photo: State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 April 9, 1941: A Jewish ghetto is established at Czestochowa, Poland.
 April 9, 1941: A proclamation of Croatian independence is issued from Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Jews are beaten and murdered, and the process of interning Jews in concentration camps will soon begin.
 April 12-13, 1941: German troops enter Belgrade, Yugoslavia; a Jewish tailor who spits on the arriving troops is shot dead. Jewish shops and homes in Belgrade are ransacked by both German soldiers and resident Germans.
 April 14, 1941: Hungarian troops occupy portions of northern Yugoslavia. About 500 Jews and Serbs are shot.
 April 14, 1941: Germany and Italy recognize the independence of the Fascist Croatian state.
 April 16, 1941: German troops and local Muslims loot and destroy the main synagogue in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.
 April 16, 1941: Aron Beckermann becomes the first Jew to be shot by the Germans for resistance in France.
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 227 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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