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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 233 
Eugen Fischer was the first director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for the study of anthropology, human genetics, and eugenics. Fischer, who specialized in the study of twins, is shown examining pictures of "racial types." Dr. Josef Mengele supplied the institute with blood and skeletons of concentration-camp inmates.
Photo: Ullstein Bilderdienst
This French poster suggests that American Jews are behind Franklin Roosevelt's decision to land U.S. Armed Forces in French North Africa to fight the Germans. The poster states: "Who is stealing our North Africa? Roosevelt. Who urges him on? The Jew." It shows Fiorello La Guardia, the strongly anti-Nazi mayor of New York City, whispering in the President's ear and encompassed by a Jewish star. La Guardia, a dedicated reformer who did pro bono legal work for immigrants before World War I, was the son of an Italian father and Jewish mother.
Photo: FPG International / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Iasi Pogrom

In the highly charged atmosphere accompanying Germany's war against Russia, Romanians accused their country's Jews of espionage. Rumors that Jews from the city of Iasi had signaled Soviet aircraft ignited a horrifically violent pogrom on June 27, 1941.

Romanian soldiers, police, and local citizens rampaged through the streets of Iasi, murdering thousands of Jews in their homes and arresting more than 5000. Forcing their victims to march through the streets under a barrage of heavy blows, the police brutally shot those who stumbled. At the railway station, the Jews were robbed of all possessions and herded into waiting cattle cars for deportation to camps.

Over 100 people crowded each padlocked car, which without food, water, or ventilation became an inferno in the summer heat. Reduced to drinking urine, more than 2500 died of thirst, starvation, and suffocation aboard two trains that for eight days crept slowly southward. The Iasi pogrom claimed at least 4000 lives.
Photo: Museum of the Jewish Community of Bucharest/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive

1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 233 
The Holocaust Chronicle
© 2009 Publications International, Ltd.