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1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 255 
About 110,000 Jews lived in Lvov, Ukraine, before the war. Occupied by the Germans in June 1941, Lvov became the site of brutal Ukrainian pogroms against Jews from July 25 to 27, 1941. They were called the Petliura Days because they commemorated the death of Ukrainian Premier Simon Petliura, who orchestrated pogroms against Jews in 1919. Two thousand Jews were killed in the July 1941 pogroms.
Photo: Yad Vashem
The details of this photograph, which was probably snapped in Lvov, Ukraine, are in doubt. Some sources claim the woman is a captured British agent. Others insist she is a Jew who fell into the hands of antisemitic Ukrainians. Whatever the story behind this disturbing image, there is little doubt that the woman has been stripped and humiliated, probably as a prelude to her execution. The Nazis and their most eager collaborators seemed to take particular relish in this most base sort of domination, degrading Jewish and other women in order to demoralize, as well as for sheer "sport."
Photo: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Jews have been rounded up in Lvov, Ukraine, in July 1941 to be murdered.
Photo: Yad Vashem
A truck carries the bodies of executed Lvov Jews en route to burial. Most likely, the men accompanying the corpses later buried them. If they were Jews, they were probably shot at the end of their burial detail.
Photo: Yad Vashem
1941: Mass Murder
 pg. 255 
The Holocaust Chronicle
© 2009 Publications International, Ltd.