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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 298 

Jews in the Soviet Union who were not massacred by Einsatzgruppen were confined to ghettos, of which Minsk (80,000) was the largest. Most of these ghettoized Jews would eventually be shot or deported to death camps.
Three Jews from the city of Kharkov, Ukraine, are strung up by German soldiers for alleged participation in resistance activities. Kharkov was captured by the advancing German armies in late fall 1941. On December 14 the occupation forces created a Jewish ghetto. The forced concentration of the Jews in this town was short-lived, as the ghetto was liquidated on January 5, 1942.
Photo: YIVO / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The front page of The Jewish Advertiser, a bilingual publication of the Jewish religious community in Prague, Czechoslovakia, delineates the restrictions placed on Jews throughout Eastern Europe. This January 1942 issue contained information of activities forbidden to Jews, which were not known about in the West until these papers were smuggled out.
Photo: Wide World
 1942: At the Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia, camp/ghetto, a half-Jewish Czech youth named Petr Ginz conceives Vedem (In the Lead), a secret camp "magazine" of poetry, humor, gardening tips, and the grim truth about camp operations; See September 28, 1944.
 1942: German Catholic priest Max Josef Metzger writes a plea for a new German government. The letter will be intercepted by the Gestapo, precipitating his arrest; See April 1944.
 Early 1942: The United Nations establishes the United Nations War Crimes Commission to handle future prosecution of Nazi war criminals.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 298 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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