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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 316 
This filmstrip scene depicts Germany being "overrun" by Jews. The caption, "13 Jews daily," gives the impression that Germany was the destination of choice for European Jews on the move. Nothing, however, could have been further from the truth. The social climate was obviously inhospitable, and Nazi laws expressly prohibited Jews from entering the country.
Photo: Roland Klemig / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
The Jewish spider entangles the capitals of Europe. Positioned directly on top of Berlin, the spider is poised to dominate the continent. The "international Jewish conspiracy" was a prominent theme in Nazi propaganda.
Photo: Roland Klemig / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Three deadly historical events are blamed on the Jews: the destruction of Haman at Purim, the terror of the French Revolution, and the horrors of Russia's Bolshevik Revolution. Under the direction of the Nazis, world history textbooks used in German schools were rewritten so that all negative historical developments were attributed to the Jews, while positive ones were linked to the Germans.
Photo: Roland Klemig / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
This frame shows the "spread" of Jews from Palestine after the birth of Christ. Nazi propaganda continually emphasized the supposed rootless nature of the Jew. As a diaspora people, Jews were portrayed as parasites who sucked the blood from nations in which they resided.
Photo: Roland Klemig / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 April 30, 1942: The Jews of Pinsk, Poland, are ordered to establish a ghetto within one day. Twenty thousand Jews will move into it.
 April 30, 1942: Twelve hundred Jews are killed in Diatlovo, Belorussia. The Jews offer armed resistance, but it is futile.
 May 1942: More than 3600 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto die of starvation. Nazis force their way into Jewish apartments in Warsaw, shoot and club the residents, and throw the bodies from windows.
 May 1942: A slave-labor camp opens near Minsk, Belorussia.
 May 1942: Small groups of Jewish youths manage to escape into the woods outside Lida and Stolpce, towns in Belorussia.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 316 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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