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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 320 
Holding the shield of David, Jewish men pose in a makeshift synagogue in the transit camp of Beaune-la-Rolande, France. The first targets of the Nazis in France, foreign Jews were evicted from their homes and sent to transit camps, prior to deportation to the death camps of the East. While enduring uncertainty and deprivation, Jews sought to maintain religious community.
Photo: YIVO / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
A Gypsy woman leads a group of children along the unpaved streets of the Rivesaltes transit camp, located in the Pyrénées-Orientales region of France. The Gypsies were viewed as alien to the French national culture, and they were therefore included in the internment policies of the Vichy regime. Gypsies suffered terribly at the hands of their oppressors.
Waffen-SS and SD officers force Jews to dig their graves before being shot. Such scenes were common in Russia in the months following the German invasion. Forcing the victims to dig their own graves not only lightened the workload for many of the perpetrators--many of whom were too drunk to dig--but was also a final humiliation for those about to be murdered.
Photo: State Archives of the Russian Federation / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 May 4-15, 1942: More than 10,000 Jews are deported from the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto to Chelmno.
 May 5, 1942: Jewish teachers and educators in the Warsaw Ghetto create a special day for children, during which they are treated to games, plays, and special rations of sweets.
 May 5, 1942: In the ghetto at Lódz, Poland, Prof. Jakob Edmund Speyer, a Jew from Frankfurt, Germany, who invented an important painkiller called Eukodal, dies of exhaustion.
 May 9, 1942: The Jews of Markuszow, Poland, led by Shlomo Goldwasser, Mordechai Kirshenbaum, and brothers Yaakov and Yerucham Gothelf, escape to nearby forests; See October 1942.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 320 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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