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1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 349 
Nazi occupation of the Netherlands brought suffering and hardship to the populace, including this young child. This photograph is part of a series documenting the German occupation taken by Emmy Andreisse, a member of the Dutch Resistance. Before the war she had studied photography and graphic design. During the war years she put her talents to work in "Hidden Camera," a project designed to photograph conditions in the Netherlands under the occupation.
Photo: Joost Elffers / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Although Dachau was not technically a death camp, almost 32,000 people died there, victims of the Nazi terror apparatus. From the outset the Nazis found it difficult to dispose of the bodies of their thousands of victims. Bodies interred in mass graves often swelled so much during the summer months that they resurfaced and had to be reburied. Among the most effective solutions to this "problem" was the construction of crematoria in the major concentration camps.
Photo: National Archives / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Dachau's crematorium (pictured here and above) housed several ovens for the burning of numerous bodies simultaneously. Still, the camp's inmates died in numbers too large for the ovens to incinerate every corpse.
Photo: National Archives / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 August 10, 1942: The Yeheskel Atlas Jewish partisan company attacks a German garrison in Derechin, Belorussia. Forty-four German policemen are captured and executed.
 August 10-30, 1942: Fifty thousand Jews from Lvov, Ukraine, are murdered at the Belzec death camp.
 August 11, 1942: Jews resisting deportation from Kremenets, Ukraine, set the ghetto on fire.
 August 11, 1942: In Belgium, 999 Jews, including 172 children, are deported to their deaths in the East.
 August 13, 1942: The Jewish communities at Mir, Belorussia, and Gorodok, Ukraine, are liquidated.
 August 13, 1942: Switzerland forces Jews (mostly French) already safe in Switzerland back across the border. The Swiss government will turn back 10,000 Jews to their deaths during the remainder of the war on the grounds that only political refugees can be admitted into Switzerland, not "racial refugees." The Swiss government does, however, welcome the gold that the Germans extract from the mouths and fingers of the dead Jews.
1942: The "Final Solution"
 pg. 349 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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