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1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 531 
American soldiers hurry German prisoners of war, with hands held high and field equipment still strapped to their backs, out of the range of sniper fire, as the Allies advance through Cisterna in Italy. The long Italian campaign yielded major victories for the Allies in early 1944. American troops entered Rome on June 4 under the command of General Mark Clark.
Photo: AP/ Wide World
American troops and tanks enter Rome on June 4, 1944. Both sides agreed that Rome was an open city, thus preserving the great capital from further destruction. The Italian campaign was intended as a shortcut for Allied forces into Germany, but it resulted in a long, bitter, hard-fought operation against a stubborn, well-entrenched, and brilliantly led German resistance. Eight thousand Jews had hid in Rome, but in October 1943 the Germans rounded up a thousand Jews "under the Pope's nose" and transported them to their deaths at Auschwitz.
Photo: SYddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
Dutch Jews are deported in early June 1944. From March to September 1944, the Nazis deported several hundred Dutch Jews each month, with 1019 aboard the final train (which included Anne Frank) in September. Of the 107,000 Jews deported from the Netherlands, only 5200 survived the Holocaust.
Photo: SYddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst
 June 7, 1944: The first phase of the deportation and mass murder of the Hungarian Jews is complete. Nearly 290,000 Jews have been killed in 23 days.
 June 9, 1944: Jewish-Hungarian poet and Jewish-Palestinian paratrooper Hannah Szenes is arrested in Hungary after completing her mission for the British in Yugoslavia. She was attempting to help the Hungarian Jews who were being transported to Auschwitz.
1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 531 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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