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1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 533 
Separated from one another, family members sought ways to maintain contact and learn news. Much of the news, however, was heartbreaking. Pictured here is a letter from Marian Watnicki to his brother, Mietek, in Auschwitz. Marian tells Mietek that while some family members are in a concentration camp, others are dead or missing. Imprisoned as a political prisoner, Mietek prevented his captors from discovering that he was a Jew.
Photo: Ellen W. Echeverria/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Sylvester Stadler commanded the SS regiment Der Führer, which murdered 634 people, including Jews, in the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane. They were assembled in the town's church and then butchered. The massacre was in retaliation for the shooting of an SS officer by the Resistance.
Photo: National Archives/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
These 38 schoolgirls were among the 634 victims murdered by the SS regiment Der Führer on June 10, 1944, at Oradour-sur-Glane, France. The Nazis usually killed women and children in their reprisals, believing that would make a more effective impression upon the Resistance.
Photo: National Archives/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 June 14, 1944: Jewish Resistance fighter Leon Sakkis is killed by German machine-gun fire while aiding a wounded comrade in Thessaly, Greece.
 June 16, 1944: Residents of the Jewish ghetto at Lódz, Poland, are notified of "voluntary registration for labor outside the ghetto." In truth, there is no work but only death at the Chelmno, Poland, extermination camp, where the Germans plan to murder 3000 Jews a week for three weeks.
 June 16, 1944: In France, Jewish historian Marc Bloch, a leader of the resistance group Francs-Tireurs et Partisans, is executed by German troops.
 June 16, 1944: German forces begin to pull back from the Douve River.
 June 17-24, 1944: The Jews of Budapest, Hungary, are confined to specially marked "Jewish buildings."
 Summer 1944: More than 500 Jews are being secretly protected by industrialist Oskar Schindler.
 June 22, 1944: The Red Army launches a 300-mile-long offensive along the Baltic and Belorussian fronts. The initial target is Vitebsk, Belorussia, located on the Riga-Moscow rail line.
1944: Desperate Acts
 pg. 533 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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