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1933: The Nazi State Begins
 pg. 56 
In 1932 Kurt von Schleicher was appointed German chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg as a last-ditch effort to prevent Hitler from obtaining the post. A veteran of the German Army and an official of the Weimar Republic, Schleicher proved incapable of establishing a coalition government. He was dismissed by Hindenburg on January 28, 1933, paving the way for Hitler to become chancellor January 30.
Photo: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Newly appointed Chancellor Adolf Hitler shakes hands with German President Paul von Hindenburg on January 30, 1933. Fourteen years after he entered the political arena in the chaotic aftermath of World War I--and only seven years after serving a prison sentence for treason--Hitler legally assumed Germany's top elected position. Once in office, Hitler took decisive action against his primary political foes, the Communists and Socialists. By July all political parties besides the NSDAP were outlawed.
Photo: Imperial War Museum, London
Hitler's cabinet in 1933. To the right of Hitler are Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen, Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick, and Foreign Minister Konstantin Baron von Neurath. With only two fellow Nazis in the cabinet-- Frick and minister without portfolio Hermann Göring (bottom row, second from left) --Hitler was dependent upon the support of right-wing nationalists Alfred Hugenberg and Fran Seldte (first and third from left in middle row).
Photo: Archive Photos
 1933: Arrests for German citizens for sedition are up sharply from 1932.
 1933: Concentration camps are established this year in Oranienburg, Esterwegen, Sachsenburg, and Dachau.
 1933: Jewish Social Democratic politician Ernst Heilmann is arrested.
 1933: The antisemitic Glaubensbewegung deutscher Christen (Movement of German Christian Believers) becomes the semiofficial religious organization of Germany.
 1933: An antisemitic, anti-Communist organization, Gesamtverband deutscher anti-kommunistischer Vereinigungen (General Association of German Anti-Communist Societies), is founded.
 1933: The Volksempfänger (People's Radio Receiver) debuts in Germany; See August 5, 1938.
1933: The Nazi State Begins
 pg. 56 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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