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1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 622 
As Allied forces fought their way closer to concentration camps, German troops and collaborators, SS men assigned to the "care" of Jews and other prisoners were taken captive in ever-increasing numbers. The men seen here were photographed after they fell into Allied hands. Here is Leonhard Eichberger, a death-march SS guard.
Photo: Drew University Center for Holocaust Study
Michael Redwitz, SS guard.
Photo: Drew University Center for Holocaust Study
Konrad Belsh, death-march SS guard.
Photo: Drew University Center for Holocaust Study
Jean Scheibel, a guard, possibly not with the SS.
Photo: Drew University Center for Holocaust Study
 May 5, 1945: At the Ebensee, Austria, concentration camp, a brutal German Kapo (foreman) pleads with inmates not to turn him over to approaching Americans as a war criminal. He is attacked by three Jewish boys and killed. Other Germans at Ebensee meet similar fates. Late in the day, a white flag is raised above the Ebensee guard tower.
 May 6, 1945: A death march from Schwarzheide, Germany, to Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia, that began on April 18 halts at Leitmeritz, Czechoslovakia.
1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 622 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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