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1946: The Pursuit of Justice
 pg. 645 

After the war, more than 1.5 million Europeans--including a quarter-million Jews--either didn't want to return home or had no place to go. They stayed temporarily in displaced-persons camps, which were managed by the Allied countries. By 1951, more than two-thirds of the Jewish DPs had emigrated to Israel.
No part of Occupied Europe or the Greater German Reich remained untouched by the Holocaust and its aftermath. These children, most likely orphaned during the war years, were assigned to a displaced-persons camp in Salzburg, Austria. Children whose parents had perished had nowhere to go after the war. They waited to be adopted by caring families.
Photo: American Jewish Joint Dist. Committee
After their liberation, European Jews were determined to stand up to any and all forms of persecution, which was distressingly common in postwar Europe, especially in Poland. These Jews march in support of Polish-Jewish partnership, calling for both groups to work together to rebuild their country after the terrible years of Nazi occupation. About 2.8 million Polish Jews had died during the Holocaust.
Photo: Beth Hatefutsoth
 March 28, 1946: Jewish leaders traveling from Kraków to Lódz, Poland, are tortured and murdered by Polish antisemites.
 April 21, 1946: Five Jews, each of them a concentration-camp survivor, motoring near Nowy Targ, Poland, are stopped at a mock police checkpoint and shot to death. The oldest victim is 35, one is 25, and the remaining three are 22; See April 24, 1946.
 April 24, 1946: Five thousand Jews attending a funeral for five Jews murdered by Poles at Nowy Targ, Poland, three days earlier are abused from rooftops and windows by antisemitic taunts; See April 30, 1946.
 April 30, 1946: Seven Jews are murdered by antisemitic Poles at Nowy Targ, Poland, very near to where five Jews were killed on April 21; See May 2, 1946.
1946: The Pursuit of Justice
 pg. 645 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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