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1934: Triumph of the Will
 pg. 82 
Within weeks of President Paul von Hindenburg's death, Hitler sought a public mandate for his policies. This poster announces a plebiscite for August 19. With an ÀXÀ in the box marked Ja (Yes) and the bold banner proclaiming Àthe entire people answer this question with a unanimous yesÀ running underneath, opposition to the Nazis was strongly discouraged. As it turned out, nearly 90 percent of German citizens voted yes to the mandate.
Photo: AP/Wide World Photos
A festive group of schoolgirls, led by their teachers, offers the Nazi salute at a rally in Coburg, Germany. German girls joined the Nazi youth organization Jungmädelbund (League of Young Girls) at the age of ten. At 15 they were promoted into the Bund Deutscher Mädel (League of German Girls). From childhood, girls were taught to prepare for motherhood and conform to the motto of the BDM: ÀBe faithful, be pure, be German!À
Photo: Imperial War Museum, London
With Hitler looming god-like behind him, a blond-haired German youth gazes into the future on the cover of this Hitler Youth publication. The title reads Youth Serves the Führer. The Hitler Youth was aggressively loyal to the Führer and militaristic in spirit. In early 1934 the group was used to intimidate Catholic youth groups.
Photo: Bundesarchiv/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 July 25, 1934: Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss is killed when the Nazis unsuccessfully try to seize power in Austria.
 August 2, 1934: German President Paul von Hindenburg dies; Hitler declares himself Führer of the German state and commander-in-chief of Germany's Armed Forces. Members of the Armed Forces must take a personal oath of allegiance to Hitler.
 August 5, 1934: One hundred Jews are killed in an antisemitic pogrom at Constantine, Algeria.
 August 19, 1934: In a plebiscite on Hitler's expanded powers, 89.9 percent of voters approve. Although an overwhelmingly Christian nation, most Germans will generally support Hitler's actions until near the end of the war.
1934: Triumph of the Will
 pg. 82 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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