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Most children had been deported from the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto by the end of September 1942. The ghetto struggled to find employment for those remaining and to find homes for the orphaned. The Chronicle of the Lódz Ghetto proudly reported that some 720 children had been placed with families by early December. In the latter part of 1942, a juvenile concentration camp was established for Polish (not Jewish) children, with Karl Ehrlich as commandant. Here he inspects his youthful prisoners.
Photo: Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Leib Rotblatt was a member of the ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization), which emerged in the Warsaw Ghetto during the summer of 1942. Members of the organization collected weapons throughout the summer in preparation for a final confrontation with the Nazis. Emanuel Ringelblum's words, written after the brutal Aktion of September 12, 1942, were prophetic for the ZOB. "Never shall the Germans move us from here with impunity," he wrote. "We will die, but the cruel invaders will pay with their blood for ours."
Photo: Ghetto FightersÕ House / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
William Joyce, a.k.a. "Lord Haw-Haw," was a British Fascist renowned for his Nazi propaganda broadcasts. A member of the British Union of Fascists since 1932, Joyce became disenchanted with the Union's "soft" anti-Jewish policies. In 1937 he co-founded the National Socialist League, an organization that wanted England to emulate the policies of Nazi Germany. Joyce moved to Germany in August 1939; from there he broadcast his radio program, "Germany Calling." Considered a traitor in Britain, Joyce was granted German citizenship. He was arrested by British authorities in May 1945 and put on trial for treason. He was convicted and executed in January 1946.
Photo: Archive Photos F113IK2
September 6-21, 1942: Nearly 48,000 Jews from Warsaw are deported to the Treblinka extermination camp.
September 7, 1942: At least 5000 Jews from Kolomyia, Ukraine, are deported to Belzec; 1000 are killed in the Kolomyia Ghetto itself.
September 8, 1942: During a session of Britain's House of Commons, Prime Minister Winston Churchill remarks angrily about Nazi deportations of French Jews.
September 9, 1942: Two thousand Jews are deported from the camp in Lublin, Poland, to Majdanek.
September 9, 1942: The Times of London reports on the Vichy (Occupied France) government's dismissal of General Robert de Saint-Vincent, military governor of Lyons, for his refusal to initiate mass arrests of Jews in his region of responsibility. The same edition of the Times reports on a German order for the arrest of Catholic priests who shelter Jews in the unoccupied zone of France.
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The Holocaust Chronicle
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