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1936: The Nazis
 pg. 109 
The back page of the September 1936 issue of Jüdische Auswanderung (Jewish Emigration) included an advertisement for the Atlantic Express travel agency. The monthly publication was put out by the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland, the assistance organization for German Jewry, to provide information about emigration and resettlement. From 1933 through 1938, thousands of Jews sought to flee the increasing persecution of the Nazis.
Photo: Lisa Freund Avedon/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Italy's Benito Mussolini stroll together during Hitler's official visit to Italy in 1934. The spring rendezvous in Venice between the leaders of Europe's two most powerful Fascist regimes laid the groundwork for a formal military alliance in October 1936. While the two countries shared common concerns, they had a different understanding of racial issues. Before becoming formally aligned with Germany, Mussolini's Fascist Italy did not enact antisemitic legislation. The ÀJewish questionÀ was not a burning issue for Italians.
Photo: Richard Freimark/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Two SS guards and their highly trained German shepherds patrol the snow-laden perimeter of the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen, Germany. Electrified fences, specially trained police dogs, and armed guards made escape nearly impossible. Attempts to break out of the camp were further discouraged by the fact that if one was caught, execution was certain.
Photo: Archive Photos/Popperfoto
 December 27, 1936: Great Britain and France agree on a non-intervention appeasement policy in regard to the Spanish Civil War.
 1936-39: The Spanish Civil War rages on for three years, during which Hitler sends German forces to fight for General Francisco Franco's Nationalists against the Republicans. The Germans use this opportunity to test both weapons and tactics. Even more help is provided by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, who sends tens of thousands of Italian troops to fight the forces remaining loyal to Spain's leftist, democratic, and legally elected government.
 1936-39: The antisemitic "colonels' clique" in Poland, Ob<ó>z Zjednoczenia Narodowego (Camp of National Unity), becomes active. It is headed by Pulkownik Adam Koc and controlled by Polish President Ignacy Moscicki and Minister of Defense Marzalek Edward Rydz-Smigly.
1936: The Nazis
 pg. 109 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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