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1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 637 
Nazi physician Dr. Claus Schilling stands trial at the Dachau concentration camp near Munich, Germany. Charged with infecting over 1000 prisoners with malaria, Dr. Schilling was found guilty and condemned to death. He pleaded with the court to recognize his "great labor." "It would be a terrible loss if I could not finish this work," he said. "I need only a table and a chair and a typewriter. It would be an enormous help for science, for my colleagues, and a good part to rehabilitate myself." His voice then broke and he cried.
Photo: National Archives/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
Among the numerous instances of illegal immigration to Palestine was that involving the ship Hannah Szenes, pictured here. The ship left Vado, Italy, on December 14, 1945, and managed to evade British patrol boats until running aground north of Haifa, Palestine, at Nahariya. The banner says: "This boat Hannah Szenes had disembarked immigrants here with the help of the Jewish Resistance movement. May this boat remain as a memorial to six million brothers and sisters who died in Europe, and as a token of shame of the British government."
Photo: Israel Defense Forces Archives/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
In December 1945 a United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Association worker in Klagenfurt, Austria, tallies the numbers and nationalities of displaced persons entering the country. DP camps in Austria were overcrowded, and many of the residents refused to perform work that would aid the rebuilding of the Austrian economy. Most of the refugees who found themselves in Austria wished to immigrate to Palestine--a reasonable desire that, nevertheless, was sharply opposed by the British government.
Photo: FPG International/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archive
 1945-1950: Between 250,000 and 300,000 Jews survive German concentration-camp incarceration. About six million Jews have perished. About 1.6 million nonincarcerated European Jews also survive. During this period, Jews emigrate from Europe en masse: 142,000 to Palestine/Israel; 72,000 to the U.S.; 16,000 to Canada; 8000 to Belgium; and about 10,000 to other countries. Reactions of governments to the illegal, 1945-47 emigrations vary: the Soviets are mainly disinterested; Great Britain, irrationally jealous of its Palestine Mandate, remains fiercely negative; the U.S. armed forces, mindful that pro-Jewish sentiment is taking hold at home, allow the illegal emigration to go forward unhindered.
1945: Liberation and Rebuilding
 pg. 637 
The Holocaust Chronicle
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